Thursday, 7 February 2013

Joint Management Body

A brief understanding of Joint Management Body(JMB) is as follows:

The JMB is a body corporate, consisting of the developer and purchasers. The JMB has a common seal and can file lawsuits and be sued in return.

Formation of a JMB

The JMB-PELANGI DAMANSARA D-F is formed during the first meeting when the developer and purchasers convene on 15th March 2008. On 17th July 2008 we were notify by our JMB-PELANGI DAMANSARA D-F that  Hokawai & Associates was retained as our property manager with effect from 1st October 2008. Our first chairman is Cik Sharinah Yahaya.

Building & Common Property (Maintenance & Management) Act 2007 (Act 663 )- Joint Management Body (JMB)
Building and Common Property (Maintenance & Management) Act 2007 (Act. 663)
The JMB’s responsibilities include:
  • Maintaining the common property and keeping it in a state of good and serviceable repair
  • Determining and imposing any charges that is necessary to carry out repairs and maintenance on the common property
  • Insuring and renewing the insurance for the building (in the amount of the value of the building) against fire and any other risks
  • Using monies received from insurance claims (from damage to the building) to repair or rebuild the building
  • Complying with notices or orders from local authorities, whether it’s addressing any nuisance on the common property, or any repairs or improvements that need to be done to the property
  • Preparing and maintaining a register of all the purchasers in the building
  • Ensuring that the Building Maintenance Fund (BMF) account is audited
  • Providing audited financial statements to the purchasers for their information
  • Enforcing house rules for the maintenance and management of the building
  • Doing anything else that is necessary to properly maintain and manage the building

The JMB’s powers include:
  • Collecting maintenance & management fees from purchasers in the amount applicable to the purchasers
  • Authorizing expenditure on any maintenance and management of the common property
  • Collecting any sum owed to the JMB from the purchasers
  • Procuring any items for all purchasers to enjoy on the common property
  • Arranging and securing the services of any person/agent to undertake the maintenance and management of the common property
  • Setting up house rules for the maintenance and management of the building
  • Doing anything else that is necessary for it to carry out its duties under Act 663
Besides the above, the JMB also has the right to recover the expenses paid for any repair work done on any item on the common property if the said item was damaged by a purchaser, or his/her tenant, or guest.  It doesn’t matter if the damage was a result of carelessness or a deliberate attempt, the purchaser is still liable for the damage.

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